Pillar of arcanite, participation mini campaign | Warp Miniatures

Pillar of arcanite, participation mini campaign

  • This mini campaign is designed for people to bring their warband for a light heated game,  run by a narrator. It can be played with any number of participants, but 2 to 6 is preferred. 


    We find ourselves at a makeshift inn in the rimlands surrounding the Mildaark forest. Here treasure hunters from all over gather, before they make their way into the wild in search of the precious gems. This evening a exhausted Vermen mole, covered in dirt, drags himself info the camp. He asks for food, drink and a bed for the night. In exchange he'll share news of his findings and offer to serve as a guide to any who would aid him bring back the loot he found. He was invited to sit by the fire and offered plenty of strong drink. As the licker loosened his tongue, he told of a massive pillar of pure arcanite rising from the ground. It was too heavy and massive that it had to be broken down into shards. It's a delicate procedure, best aided by the experience hands of a mage, of whom there where plenty within the camp. At first the mole was reluctant to share any details of the whereabouts of the pillar, but the other gathers around to listen, took turns filling his cup and carefully probed with questions. As night fell sufficient information had leaked from the now drunk Verman. As he was guided to his bed for the night, the other gathered in small groups to plan their excursion. Traveling at night within the Mildaark is fatal, so at first light you huddle together in a small boat and set up river, searching for the old ruins the mole had described.  Once it's found you pull the boat up on the bank and hide it in the undergrowth. It's a short hike, following stone remains of a long lost civilisation.


    Game 1

    Using 4'x4' gaming table.  Place large monolith in the center. Divide the table into a many sectors, as there is players. Place ruins, rocky outcrops and wood scenery along the sector boarders and scattered about, but nothing within 6" of the monolith. Within this circle you place crates, fallen bodies and other scatter equipment. 

    Each player roll initiative and then deploy their warband in one of the sectors, not already occupied, 20" away from the monolith. 

    The objective is to extract as much arcanite as possible from the monolith. To do so is a hard feet, medium for any mage class character.  A character may aid a friendly character by donating it's AP, the friendly character then get these when performing an extract feet. Characters may distract enemy Characters in base contact for an easy feet. The distracted Characters then increase the extract difficulty by one. 

    The game lasts for 6 turns. 


    Narrator only

    Once the first member of each warband gets within 12" of the monolith and ends it's activation a troll will burst from the closest sector border.  These trolls have been dormenting and follow these rules. They can only spend 2AP each activation, with a maximum of 3 activations. They can't use their free move or leg it,  but can move by spending 1AP.  They get activated each time a character is activated within 3" of them. Additional trolls get summoned 12" away from the monolith each time an arcanite is extracted. The trolls want to stop the treasure hunters. 

    These trolls are controlled by you. Remember that the objective for the game is for all to have fun.  So the trolls might gang up on a superior warband, or abandon a weak one. 

  • Game two


    The ferrousity of the trolls are frightening. You've already seen many treasure hunters back away or fall victim to the brutes. Extracting the arcanite is hard enough with all these other greedy folks about. At high noon a ray of sunlight hits the tip of the monolith, runs down it's full length spreading out, making the enormous crystal glow. Then there is a low rumbling thud, shaking the ground. Sending shock waves out from the monolith. The trolls stop in mid movement, as if petrified. The world is completely still for a few moments.  Just as you are about to resume three work on the monolith a cacophony of sounds and movement burst out from the edges of the clearing.  The trolls turn tail and rush away. You look back to the trees to see a wave of critters, birds and wildlife rushing towards you. In the front, you spot a familiar figure, the mole Verman that entered your camp last night. 


    Using a 4'x4' table  set a monolith in the middle 12" from one edge. On the opposite edge place a river with a boat for each warband. The rest of the table should have plenty of ruins,  rocky outcrops and wood scenery. 

    The players bring 250 gold worth of warbands.  If they took took part in the previous game,  they use the same warband, but remove characters to get within the new limit. All warbands are deployed within 6" of the monolith. The narrator rolls a D6 for each warband and then place this many grifflings or other beats along the edge closest to the monolith. 

    The objective is the survive with a many much of your Warband, in gold, after 6 rounds. Any Character that mange to get into their boat and into the river is safe from the critters. 

    The first turn the beasts are activated last. In the priority phase, the narrator summon more critters. Number of critters = (number of players * (Current turn/2)) D6

    The critters will try to engage as many characters as possible.

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