Digital Workshop is a range of 3D Printable miniatures perfect for RPG and tabletop games. Each month will see the new release of a set of 3D printable Heroic 28mm scale miniatures for use with any of your tabletop games.

Join our Patreon ( or MyMiniFactory Tribe ( to receive monthly STLs for you to download and print at home, sculpted in the same unique style as our hand-made miniatures.

Our Complete 3D Printable Range
If you miss out on a specific month's releases, our back catalogue is available to purchase on our MyMiniFactory store ( for our 10mm scaled minis check out our Gumroad store (

2025 marks the 5 Year Anniversary of Digital Workshop, and to celebrate I'll be returning to some fan-favourite releases on the run up to May.

For our third month, I'm going back to the stinking hovels of the Pig-Faced Orcs! I first sculpted these retro-inspired boys (  )way back in 2023, and they've been a firm favourite both with RPG players but also with wargamers who want an old-school flavour for their army.

This mighty pack contains Porc Warlord mounted upon a slithering wyvern, a gigantic Rogue Boar Idol, a ramshackle Boar Chariot with charioteers and a mutli-part pack that allows you to print some slavering Porc Berzerkers.

This month's models may look daunting to print, but fear not! Our ever-diligent supports master Jonas has cut and pinned both the Warlord and the Idol so that they can be printed in parts on even the smallest home printers.


Included in this set are:

4 x Basic Tents
2 x Wooden Fences
1 x Campfire
1 x Spitroast Pig
1 x Multi-Part Goblin
1 x Goblin with Spear
1 x Goblin with Bow
1 x Goblin with Sword and Shield
1 x Goblin Wolf Rider
1 x Dwarf Warrior

1 x Linnaeus the Firbolg Druid